Tuesday 29 October 2013

Color blocking your make up

 Last year the color blocking  trend took over the world of fashion and beauty,. It made my life so much easier  pairing 2 colors that usually don't go together and get away with it because of the trend. Have you ever thought about Blocking your makeup?Uhmmmm that's a big risk to take  but I think its worth trying. Here are a few pictures that you may or may not like

I love this, I tried this,it worked, would you try
This don't look so good but when done correctly am sure it rocks
Ignore the face paintings look at the eyes and the lips

So ladies The full face is not bad as long as you do it in moderation. These are editorial photos so everything works.
So what do you think of color blocking Make-up edition?  Have you tried any  of these before ? Or maybe want to try ?  any favorite?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like d last pic. I would sure rock it.